Monday, December 13, 2010

Oranges ...

I saw a sitcom last week that made a big deal about how they grew up getting an Orange in their stocking every Christmas. It was becasue their Grandma told the story of that being such a special treat when she was child duriing the depression.

Well, we to received an orange or, if were real lucky, a tangerine in our stocking almost every year.  But somehow it was just something you kind of expected growing up in the land of "milk & citrus".  Everyone we knew had citrus trees or lived in or next to a citrus grove. So our vitamin "C" levels were through the roof from Dec. through Mar. I actually think my mom just gave us oranges so she would have them for the fruit salad at Christams dinner.

I live outside the state now but still in the "Sun Belt", and believe me there is nothing like Florida citrus.  What you get out here in the Southwest is a thick skinned, pithy, no-flavored version of oranges or tangerines.  Although I grew some tangerines in my backyard in the Phoenix area that rivaled the best I've had.  I think it was the "cracker" care and maintenance that did the trick.

What do you remember of the citrus when you lived in Florida?  Maybe like my father and great grandfather, you worked in the groves.  Share something with us!


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